Autism and Terrible Anxiety

I’m not going to lie. Yesterday was NOT a good day here. We don’t have rough days often – or at least days that the “roughness” lasts all day, but that’s what happened. I even wrote a blog yesterday, but I had to delete it and start over. It was terrible!

So – in the last week, we have missed a day of work for ice (which Rob knew was coming – and I would have, too, if I had picked up on his clues. Now it’s obvious – at the time, I wasn’t thinking about the weather at all!), I had an appointment that didn’t go as I had hoped and I was anxious about that, we had a huge snow storm heading for us and then, of course, the full moon/eclipse for tonight. It’s no wonder we were all a little anxious, but it was worse than I thought.

Instead of snowing early yesterday, it rained. And rained. And rained. I mean, pouring buckets. We all wanted snow. I was already worried about how Rob would be feeling when he got up because he had a hard time getting to sleep Friday night. It’s been a while since that happened, but he was awake until after 1, quietly singing his anxiety/storm song. I knew the storm was coming.

I let them sleep as late as they wanted and he seemed okay when he got up. But, as soon as Casey got up, he ran to her room and started watching Power Rangers. That was fine for a while, but then he started his storm song. She was anxious about the weather, too, and wanted to be in her room folding socks and listening to music. He wouldn’t leave. (He has a DVD player and TV in his room, but he refused to use it. When I brought the movie to his room, he ran in, grabbed it, shut everything off and went back to her room). So I was waiting for her to have a meltdown. Irritation was written all over her face.

His song got louder and he started adding a few yells every 4th or 5th repetition. I gave him clay… magazines… his iPad…. offered him snacks. Nothing worked. By evening, I was even more on edge and ready to have a crying meltdown. I kept praying that it would start to snow (Sometimes, that helps him calm down – that the storm was actually here). But nothing but rain…. dreary, depressing rain.

By supper time, he had been repeating it over and over for 6 hours. I counted once – he averages 3 times a minute. That’s over a 1,000 times. It’s not that he was close by us, but the sound carries. It’s like a mosquito buzzing in your ear. It’s not loud, but drives you batty. And trust me, I don’t need anything else to drive me nuts. 🙂

After supper, Casey relaxed. She was grinning and talking about dressers and stuffed animals and her birthday (not til March, but why wait?) She giggled and smiled and truly, I didn’t care why she was happier, only that the threat of a screaming meltdown from her seemed to have passed.

When he came down for his shower hours later, I told him he couldn’t watch Power Rangers anymore, as Casey would want to watch Elmo before going to bed. As soon as he got out of the shower, he ran back up to her room and started the movie and the singing again (he also sang through his shower!) When she was ready for bed, he came down, but his song was even louder down here. I was as close to tears as I’ve been in a long time. I just knew he wasn’t going to go to sleep.

He finally took a pile of magazines, but kept repeating his song. (Someone suggested I record it so you can all hear it, but I’m not sure I want to do that.) I took Blue outside and went to watch TV while I waited to see what he would do. In less than 10 minutes, I realized I hadn’t heard him and was shocked to find him sound asleep! I just kept thanking God over and over and prayed that he slept all night.

He started “singing” at 11 yesterday morning and finally stopped at 9:30 that night. He repeated it almost 2,000 times. I call it his song, but there aren’t always many words. You can understand “John Anderson, John Michael Montgomery, Josh Turner, Long Black Train” and sometimes “Splat” after a series of sounds like trains on tracks. The beginning is always the same, the ending changes. Some days, I don’t even notice it.

I was worried that today would be a repeat of yesterday because even though the storm has passed, the full moon and eclipse are still tonight. (Anyone who says that doesn’t effect anyone needs to live in my circus through a full moon cycle!) I’ve even heard that the new moon bothers some people. Some months, Rob is more anxious for about a week around the full moon. Other times, he doesn’t seem to be too concerned about it. Casey feels it just for a few days. It may bother him more because he has more anxiety than she does.

I am so blessed to be able to say that, so far, anyway, they are both happy today. He is really quiet and doesn’t want to talk very much, but he has his iPad and magazines. I haven’t heard that song at all (Knock on wood!!! 🙂 ) She has been laughing all day. She is also happy their workshop is closed tomorrow – another reason he may have been more anxious, since that’s a change in his routine.

If his anxiety was the result of all three things happening together, at least I don’t have to worry about a super blood wolf moon eclipse for a few years! (Always look on the bright side! 🙂 ) I’m sure he doesn’t feel like himself today, but he’s coping and that’s all any of us can do. The wind is blowing and that always bothers him, too. Today will be a demand free day – they can do what they want without my interference! (well, most of what they want, anyway! 🙂 )

I hope that each of you are coping, too. Deep breaths, folks. Or cry, if you need to. If you are near the snow, be safe!