Autism and the Importance of Self-Care

If you’ve ever been on a plane, one of the first things you hear is if the oxygen masks come down, put yours on first – you can’t help anyone if you don’t take care of you. It seems like a reasonable plan. But, would I do that? Put mine on before I helped Casey or Rob? Hmmm…. the only reason I’ll say mine goes on first is that Casey and Rob will never be on a plane. 🙂

Honestly, though, I do have a hard time with the whole self-care thing. I know the last several months, especially, I let go of things that I truly love doing because I never seemed to have time. I was busy with both jobs, with Casey and Rob, with helping Mandy and Cory move… I can make all the excuses I want, but the reality is, I have a terrible time taking time for me.

When school finished for the year, I decided that if I was truly going to live until I’m 120 (my goal so Casey and Rob will be close to 100 and will hopefully never have to live without me 🙂 ), I needed to think of me, too. I still struggle with it, but I’ve been reading every day and exercising more. I’ve started doing Yoga again and am trying to eat healthier. I am working on my crafts again and remembering how much I love creating things. Do I feel guilty about this? Yeah, sometimes.

Sometimes, as I pick up my book, I think I should be sending pitches for more writing jobs. I should be calling this person or that one or knocking a chore off of my to-do list (by the way, do chore lists ever disappear? Every time I think I’m catching up, more stuff gets added! 🙂 ) I beat the guilt back by reminding myself a stressed out person won’t live to be 120.

But – it’s not easy to put yourself first. My kids will always be more important to me and it seems there is always something I can be doing with or for them. I could be swinging with Rob or having an endless conversation with Casey. I could be building with Legos or making color by numbers for Casey. We could be practicing with their communication apps. We could be hiking together. And the list goes on.

I’ve burned out a few times in my life. Luckily for me, I just end up an exhausted, crying mess. I don’t have health issues – just emotional ones, so far. And please God, may that continue. The thing is, I know when I’m getting close to burning out. I know that when I crash, I won’t be any good for Casey and Rob. I know I need to take a break and do something for me. I know all of that – and yet, I still don’t always consider my own needs as being that important.

It’s crazy, isn’t it? To know I’m coming close to a meltdown and just keep running towards it. Do any of you ever do that?

I remember one time several years ago that I completely burned out on a Sunday morning. I couldn’t figure out what we needed to do to get ready for church. Really, I just couldn’t think. Thankfully, Casey and Rob are so routine based that they got themselves ready and we made it to church. I saw my parents and started crying. Big, ugly sobbing …. and I couldn’t stop. Casey and Rob went to their class and I sat in an office with my parents and cried. I was so tired, I could have gone to sleep right there. The sad thing? My parents wanted to take Casey and Rob home with them so I could have a break and I couldn’t agree with it. I just kept saying I was fine and I just wanted to go home.

Even in the middle of a breakdown, I couldn’t just say I needed help. I’m nothing if not stubborn. I finally agreed to go back to their house and take a nap.

Don’t be like that version of me. You won’t get any extra points in life for not accepting help. For not asking for help before you burn out. You know what you will get? Gray hair, ulcers, and an unhappy life. Autism is tough, even on the best of days. Ask for help before you burnout.

Self-care really is that important. If you crash, your child will crash, too. It’s that simple. You won’t get a gold sticker by doing it yourself. I know how full your days are. There is always something else that needs done or someone that needs help. It won’t end. Only your attitude can improve. You have got to take care of you. Consider your self-care as important as your child’s care.

The picture with this post? Yes, those are my feet as I lounged by the pool – all by myself. For the first time since I became “Mommy Jen” I went to a pool by myself. If I can learn self care, you can, too!

Find ways to relax and remember what makes you happy. Don’t make excuses about not having the time. If you don’t make the time to take care of you, you will crash and burn – and you will take your child with you.

Autism, OCD and Irritation

Casey has been on edge this week. While I have seen her beautiful smile and twinkling eyes often, I’ve also seen the irritable side of her. The one that OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) grabs and won’t let go at times. She has been “off” and I’m not sure what to blame.

We did have a big storm that was supposed to hit us, but luckily, it went around. Rob was especially loud that afternoon, as the barometer dropped. The weather does affect her, but not always as bad as it does him. She was just grouchy. I completely understand that everyone has off days and they bounce back, but she’s been different for almost a week.

She’s focused on her calendar and keeps repeating things she wants to do, even when I tell her I will not put ride the rides at the fair on her October calendar, yet. Nor will I write when we will go to the water park. Or when Mandy’s baby is coming. And when I put her off and explain that I can’t write things I don’t know, she snorts and flips her hair. (Oh my God – the attitude!) She wants things written down – NOW!

She wants Cory’s car show at the fairgrounds and is irritated that it is on Main Street this year. She wants Anna’s birthday, Lacey’s birthday, July 4th, a cookout at Hopewell, and sparklers – and she wants it all written on her calendar. Now. I have written everything I can, but I can’t write that we will have cake for Anna and Lacey because I don’t know when or if that will happen. So, she snorts and flips her hair again. (Yes, her hair is short, but the way she flips her head, I know what she is doing!)

She is irritated that there isn’t any laundry in the dryer. Or that I can’t tell her what we are having for supper – tomorrow night!

But – there are happy smiles, too, so I know this isn’t something that needs addressed with her doctor, yet. If she was nothing but irritable, I’d be concerned, but she’s just picking and choosing what to get upset about and driving me nuts in the process. Because, once she gets fixated on something, as you know, she can repeat it until I want to scream. A conservative guess for discussions about the car show yesterday (it isn’t until mid July!) would be near 100.

I surprised them Thursday with a trip to the zoo. They both love the zoo. He wants to see turtles – she just likes being there. This time, she slept all the way over (about 90 minutes) and then basically stayed completely serious/on edge until we had lunch. She started asking a few minutes after we arrived – way too early for lunch. She barely looked at anything until we finally had lunch, then she perked up and looked around. She got fixated on lunch and nothing would make her happy until we ate.

Her OCD is really grabbing her lately and it won’t let go. I haven’t changed any meds, so that’s not it. She is happy between compulsions (and really, the compulsions aren’t affecting anything but our conversations, so far) so I don’t feel she needs to see her doctor. What I would like to know is why.

Is it the weather? The phase of the moon? Is she not sleeping enough? Is something going on that I don’t know about? Is she going to have anxiety issues like Rob does? Or – and most of the time, I truly believe this – is she just trying to keep me on my toes? 🙂 Wouldn’t want Mom to get too comfy in how well things are going for them, would we?

But really, that’s the autism is. You have routines for years that can’t be changed at all, then all of a sudden, no one cares about those routines. You can’t eat certain foods, then you can. You can’t wear certain clothes, then you can. You can sleep all night, then you can’t. You can eat chips, then you can’t. You can’t brush your teeth, then you can.

Autism is like dancing. Sometimes, it’s slow and steady like a waltz – the same steps repeated over and over in a beautiful pattern. And then… Irish jig time. No one tells you the steps, only that you have to keep up and not stop. And you are out of breath and wondering what the heck is going on.

Yep – been there, done that. I’m just thankful that, so far, Casey is only repeating things constantly. She isn’t getting mad or having a meltdown, just getting irritable and pushy about what she wants. I can handle this. I can answer her without really thinking if I need to. And when I get close to losing my mind…..

I offer her a cookie. It’s not bribery – it’s behavior modification. 🙂

Autism and Tough Choices

Autism and Tough Choices

You know that I’m a big supporter of letting people with autism try new things. Whatever Casey and Rob want to try, I do my best to find ways to support and encourage them. However, there are times that I have to make tough choices – and they usually break my heart. I hate mom guilt.

Yesterday was my niece, Anna’s, graduation party. It was held at a place Rob was somewhat familiar with, but there was going to be a big crowd of people he didn’t know. Plus, the weather here has been unstable, to say the least, for the last week. Plus, it was hot and humid. Casey couldn’t wait to go – she had gotten a new shirt, just for the party. I knew Rob would not enjoy himself. I knew it. While I’m all for pushing them to try things, I also don’t set them up to fail. He may have been fine, as I wouldn’t have been there long. But, my gut told me I was asking for trouble. I knew his anxiety would go sky high as soon as he saw so many strangers.

The problem was – he heard Casey talking about Anna and Uncle Jeff and Grandma Rose and Grandpa Mack. So he started asking, too. I tried to explain to him that the party wasn’t at Uncle Jeff’s house or Grandma’s house. But he kept asking. And I felt like crying. I knew he wouldn’t enjoy it – but how could I explain that to him? When I’m always telling them both they can do anything if they would just try?

Enter – Mom Guilt.

Because, the reality is…. I knew it wouldn’t go well. And I just didn’t want to have to handle it.

Not that he would have a meltdown or run away. He would just get loud… louder…. louder…. maybe scream coffee cup or one of his other phrases. I knew Anna would be fine if he did – she’s an amazing young woman. I knew my brother wouldn’t care. But – sometimes… I just don’t want to be put in that position. So, mom guilt set in. I went back and forth arguing with myself.

In the end, I told Rob it was hot and it would be crowded. He asked for Uncle Jeff. I told him he wouldn’t be able to be in the house by himself – he would have to stay outside with me. He asked for Anna. I told him he would have to put a good shirt on. He asked for Grandpa Mack.

I didn’t want him to think I just didn’t want to take him. I’m proud of him! But – I also knew it wasn’t going to be fun for him. This is the hardest part of being an autism mom – the lack of communication. Did he understand that I knew he wouldn’t enjoy it or did he think Casey was more special than he was? So I cried some more.

In the end, I pulled out the big guns. I offered him a deck of cards to rip up and a Big Mac and fries. He stayed home. He was happier there. But I was almost in tears as I pulled out of the driveway. I never want my kids to think they aren’t welcome to go anywhere with me. I wanted him to understand that I knew he wouldn’t enjoy it and that’s why I was making other arrangements for him. But still….. autism isn’t easy.

It was good to see everyone at the party, but I couldn’t really relax. Even though I knew Rob was happily ripping up cards and waiting for his McDonald’s. Casey happily filled her plate with delicious food, watched kids for a few minutes and she was ready to go. We got Rob his supper and went home.

He seemed ok – but it still nags at me. Does he really understand that I would have loved to take him if I thought any part of it would be an enjoyment to him? If it hadn’t been so hot – if the weather didn’t already have him anxious…. the list goes on. The reality is, I know I did the right thing. But it still sucks at times. Mom guilt. Don’t you love it?

And – only another autism parent really gets how hard it is sometimes. People understand it’s hard. The people closest to us understand a little more as I’ve cried on their shoulders. But – really, only another autism parent truly understands that pain of not knowing if their child truly understands you are making a tough choice that is better for them. Communication… you don’t think about it much, until you don’t have it.

So – I still stand by my advice to always let your child try – as long as there is a possibility of success. Yesterday, Rob had too many things stacked against him. He may have made it through the party without any yelling, but he wouldn’t have liked it. He would have been stressed and anxious – and we would have paid the price when we got home.

So – let them try. But follow your gut instincts. And – don’t be afraid to just say your children are staying home because you need a break. It’s allowed. And it’s important.

Autism and Remember When….

Autism and Remember When

I met a mom last week who is just starting her autism journey. Our meeting was a video call and she kept apologizing as she had to interrupt our conversation and help her child. She was obviously overwhelmed and exhausted and not sure what to do first or next or after that. I remember those days and wonder how we made it through certain times.

We have been watching family movies and I see Rob in constant motion – bouncing from one thing to another, usually with ear piercing happy squeals. And if we aren’t at home or at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, someone is right with him at all times. Casey is quiet in the movies. She has a super quiet voice – almost as if she is afraid someone might hear her. And it makes me sad. For family gatherings, she is often on the outside – she was encouraged to join, but for her, being on the outskirts was “safer.” Once in a while, she ventures closer, but not often and never if it is a noisy group.

Mandy’s birthday videos are full of parties and friends – Casey and Rob had cousins at their birthdays some years. I know they didn’t care – that they really didn’t enjoy being the center of attention, but still, sometimes, it makes me sad. I know it’s just their autism, but I wonder if they wished they had friends come to the house. Somehow, I doubt it. As I’ve shared before, Mandy’s best friends included Casey and Rob in everything they wanted to join and I can never thank them enough for that. Rob and Casey often mention Kenzie and Kelsey and Ryan.

As I was listening to this mom talk, I thought about the nights when I rarely got more than an hour of sleep at a time and when I did sleep, it wasn’t a deep sleep, as I was always listening for them to be wandering the house. I remember when Rob wore jeans and regular t shirts and a ball cap every where he went. Now, I know the ball cap was a security thing for him – he was never without it. He slept in it and it went back on his head before he got out of bed each day. I remember when going into stores was painful and scary for both of them and how I never thought we would be able to take any kind of vacation.

I remember the exhaustion of the school calling every… single… day. Some times, it seemed it was for the dumbest reasons. Once, when Casey was in 1st grade, they called and told me she was “stuck” on the second floor of the school. When I asked how that was possible, I was told she wouldn’t open her eyes to walk down the stairs, so she and a teacher were sitting at the top of the steps and had been for a few hours.

I told them to get her hand and start walking and she would open her eyes, but they wouldn’t. I had to go to school and walk her down the steps. She pulled that closing her eyes crap with me, but I started walking anyway – and guess what??? She popped those eyes open! She wasn’t allowed to go to the library for several weeks because her teacher was worried she would do it again. I wanted to scream at that woman. Casey got exactly what she wanted – no math class that day.

Most days, I think it’s a miracle that Rob and Casey are doing as well as they are. There were no supports, no information (unless you counted the books that blamed autism on moms not loving their children enough 🙁 ), no internet (not that you can trust everything you read on it!) and few doctors who had ever seen a child with autism. We guessed and schemed and made up things every day that might work. At that time, it was also assumed that every person with autism was just like everyone else with autism.

So when Casey started her screaming meltdowns, I was just waiting for Rob to do the same. It was a rough few years.

But, today… Mandy and I took them to a pool and spend a long afternoon together as a family. I never took my eyes off of them (and to prove autism is still there – at one point, I asked if they needed the bathroom and both jumped out of the pool. Because they had never used the restroom there, they assumed there wasn’t a bathroom). We still had to remind Rob to not bounce and splash when people were close and had to watch that Casey didn’t try to eat all of the snacks we brought when she thought we weren’t looking (I truly believe she thinks I’m blind and dumb at times!) but – they had a wonderful time!

I could actually let Rob walk back to the pool by himself while I waited for Casey to come out of the bathroom. (I had him in sight the whole time) Not many years ago, I couldn’t have trusted that he would go back to Mandy and not help himself to other people’s snacks along the way. Or that he wouldn’t take a flying leap into the pool, regardless of whether he landed on people or not.

So this is all part of what I told the mom. That she will have hard times (what parent doesn’t?), but that she and her son will get through it. Maybe not exactly like we did, but in their own way, on their own path. I reminded her to call me when she needed a shoulder to cry on or an ear to vent into. I wish I had had another autism mom to talk to when Casey was diagnosed. I didn’t meet my “autism mom” crew until Casey was 8 and Rob was 5 – now I don’t know what I’d do without them.

Find your own crew. Whether in person, on the phone, on the internet. Lean on them and let them lean on you. Message me. I’m always looking for new friends that understand the life I lead. 🙂