Once upon a Snowy Evening – Autism and the Internet is Out

Once upon a Snowy Evening - Autism and the Internet is Out

I try not to rely on the internet and the kids being entertained by their iPads.  Most nights, the internet could be gone and no one would be the wiser.  Rob has many apps on his iPad that he uses often, so when he can’t search for Chevy truck parts or whatever has caught his fancy for the day, he’ll just draw or play another app.

Casey, on the other hand, loves You Tube.  And watching music videos.  And when she decides that is what she wants to do, there is little I can do to change her mind.  So, when the internet went out a few evenings ago, I was tense and stressed. She was not pleased.

It was snowing and even though Rob had assured me we were only getting a little bit, he was worried about going to work the next day.  (One day they had to close, we had little snow, but ice)  So he began to get anxious and he paced from his room to the dining room to look out that window. (Yes, his room has windows – and one even faces the same direction, but apparently, when you are checking the weather situation, you can only look out the dining room window that is closest to the kitchen!)

I showed Casey her Elmo apps and crossed my fingers.  She played with them a few minutes and then hit her iPad. “Fix it, mommy!”  “I can’t, Casey – the internet is broke.” “Music, mommy!”  I handed her my phone, but she refused to look at it.  “Why don’t you fold socks, Casey?”  “NO!”  “How about a color by  number?”  “NO!”  She flopped back on the couch and made her mad face.

I gave up trying to write and focused on keeping her calm.  Finally, I thought about my photo boxes.  She has her own set, but looking at my photos is always an exciting event.  Thankfully, she go absorbed in the pictures and the evening passed without much drama.  Rob couldn’t go to sleep, but he wasn’t too loud, so she went to bed as usual.

What really bothered me was the reaction I got from someone else about the evening.  This person isn’t an autism expert by any means, but when I was talking about how worried I was that she was going to have a royal meltdown, the response I got was I needed to tell her I couldn’t fix it and make her understand she can’t always get what she wants.

Really?  Ya think?  (and I’m editing my true thoughts here!) That’s not something I had ever considered doing – thanks so much for the advice.

And, yes, I know I should be more patient with people, but when I’m tired, I just don’t  need advice like that.  I know it was meant to be a helpful solution.  I know not everyone understands autism.  I know autism is confusing to those of us who live with it every day.  But – I seriously did not care at that point.

Casey and Rob have made amazing strides in their abilities.  They have grown and changed so much, but there are simply things that cannot be explained easily.  I remember once the power went out and Rob was insistent that I turn the lights one.  “Lights on!” became his phrase of the night.  Over and over and over until I thought I would lose my mind.

My brother decided to bring a generator to us so Rob would calm down.  He was on his way when Rob got frustrated and hit the light switch in the kitchen – and the lights came on.  Of all the rotten timing!  The look he gave me was priceless – he was sure I had been lying to him all evening.  (trust me – by the time I heard “lights on!” for the 100th time, I would have fixed the electricity myself!)  So now, when the power goes out, Rob flips the kitchen light switch as soon as it goes out.

My point is – there are simply some things  I can’t make the kids understand.  I have tried – many times.  I’m not being a lazy mom.  I know I shouldn’t have gotten irritated by the comment and maybe I wouldn’t have at another time, but I was stressed.  Sometimes, I just have to go with the flow and ignore people.  But – sometimes, I really just want to smack people.  (insert evil giggle here!)

So – lessons I learned from the other night.  Behavior modification (otherwise known as bribery) is perfectly acceptable to keep a meltdown away.  Some people will never “get” it.  Smacking people is never acceptable.  I don’t have to care what anyone else thinks.

Here’s to an endless supply of data and super fast streaming for each of you!

Autism Siblings – Unwavering, Unconditional Love and Laughter

Autism Siblings

I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that one of my biggest worries with having two kids with autism was my “typical” daughter.  I wanted Mandy to know that she was just as special and as loved as Casey and Rob.  It’s not easy to do that and I often felt that I was failing them all.

Casey was almost 3 when Mandy was born and we were surprised that she took an immediate interest in her little sister.  She loved watching Mandy sleep and to put her binky back in her mouth when she lost it.  When Mandy was old enough to lay on the floor under a mobile, Casey was often right beside her watching the same toy.  When Mandy cooed, Casey giggled.  When I talked to Casey, I might as well have been talking to the wall.  Mandy had an immediate effect on Casey.

Casey got her official diagnosis of autism two weeks before Rob was born.  Her neurologist told me that since I had one child with autism, I should watch for signs from either of the other kids.  Mandy was talking and loved being around people, but it was possible that she would regress at any time.  I didn’t even think about Rob having autism at that point – I was too worried about getting Casey the help she needed and watching Mandy for signs she was losing skills.

When Mandy turned 3, I was sure she was fine.  She talked non-stop and enjoyed pretending and playing with anyone.   She talked to Casey, even if she didn’t get a response, and she played odd games with Casey, just to hear her giggle.  One of their favorites was to toss toys over their shoulders until their closet was empty – laughing the whole time.  Sitting in the doorway watching them was so much fun and gave me hope that Casey would ok.

Rob followed Mandy from the day he was born.  Because they were so close in age, and she was small for her age, they were often mistaken for twins.  She talked for him, so he rarely had to make an effort to communicate.  He also had constant ear infections, so when he didn’t say much, our doctors weren’t too concerned.

When I tried to teach Casey or Rob skills that Mandy learned easily, she jumped in to make it more fun.  She didn’t know she was helping – only that she was “playing” with her brother and sister.  Unfortunately, there were many times that Mandy jumped in to help when Casey was having a meltdown and Rob was anxious.  I hated depending on her – she was just a little girl!

I hated that when she wanted to play with Barbies or horses, I had to sit at the top of the steps and play so I could hear what was happening downstairs.  I hated that Rob loved her horses as much as she did and was likely to take them while she wasn’t looking.  I hated that Casey loved chewing Barbie feet and Mandy would be furious their shoes wouldn’t fit anymore.

But as mad as Mandy would get, she was the first one to jump when Casey or Rob needed help.  She didn’t seem to notice that they weren’t like her friends’ siblings.  I worried that her friends would be mean to the kids, but they were accepted.  I think it helped that Mandy went to our local elementary school and Casey and Rob went to another one.  This gave Mandy time to grow and learn self-confidence  before she had to really deal with the cruelty of other kids towards her siblings.

I have often seen posts that say if you want to know how to treat someone with autism, you should just look to their siblings.  There is so much truth in that statement.  I never told Mandy she had to always be nice to her siblings – what siblings never fight?  But – while she may have gotten mad and yelled at Casey or Rob, no one else better even think about it.   She is a firm believer that only she can do that!

She knows just what buttons to push to get reactions from Casey and Rob and still pushes those buttons at time, just so they can share laughs.  They may not share fun like typical siblings, but the love and laughs are the same.  They tease each other (anyone who says people with autism don’t have a sense of humor haven’t looked closely enough!) every chance they get.

Mandy and Cory lived in Texas for several years and those were tough years for Rob.  Casey would look at the calendar and know when they were coming home for a visit, but Rob couldn’t understand time  or distances.  He just wanted Mandy and Cory to be home.  Now that they live here, a trip to their house is better than a stop at McDonalds!

I know not all siblings of people with autism are as close as mine are.  I wish they could be.  I wish I knew the magic answer.  The best advice I can give is always remember that each child has their own special needs.  Your typical child needs to have time just with you – no matter what you need to do to give it to them.  Spend the other kids to bed earlier.  I used to send Casey and Rob to school and take Mandy shopping and out for lunch once in a while.  When Mandy had special events at school, I was there and I left Casey and Rob with grandma and grandpa so I would be totally there for her.

Rob still follows Mandy around – just like in the above the picture.  Whenever Mandy practiced her trumpet, Rob pulled my old guitar out and followed her.  If she went in the pool, he was right behind her.  And he still thinks she has the best ideas.  He leans on her for comfort.  Casey does the same but she expects Mandy to take her everywhere she wants to go.  They both know they can twist Mandy around their fingers – but she doesn’t always do what they want.  Sometimes, she is mean and says no – and Casey will tell on her as soon as she can.

Close – knit siblings are still siblings, after all!



Autism Mom and her Not so Little Weatherman

Autism Mom and her Not so Little Weatherman

It’s been a long week for us.  The crazy weather started Sunday as Rob’s autism anxiety grew steadily as the day went on.  I knew there was a possibility of a little snow Monday, but he knew better.  He began asking for his workshop about mid-afternoon and had worked himself up to being unable to stop his “storm song” by evening.  I should have known he knew something was coming.

Monday morning, I got up to find Rob already awake and asking for work.  He took his pills and his breakfast back to his room and I turned my phone on to see what was going on.  Luckily, I did this before I woke Casey up – their workshop was closed due to icy roads.  I told him it was closed and he was going to stay home with me that day.  He wasn’t pleased, but seemed more relaxed than he had the day before.

He went back to sleep and was happier when he got up.  He did keep telling me they were going to work Tuesday and I agreed with him that they would be going.  We had a pretty good day with him reminding me many times that he really wanted to go to work the next day.

Late in the day, I heard about another possible storm heading our way.  It wasn’t supposed to reach us till late in the week, so I didn’t think too much about it.  Rob didn’t seem too concerned, so I wasn’t either.  Until Wednesday, when I came home from work.

As I parked in the garage, I already heard his storm song.  I couldn’t believe he was already sensing the storm!  I checked my phone to see if something was closer than I thought, but there was nothing predicted until the end of the week.  The weathermen were predicting rain – or possibly 24″ of snow.  Rob told me snow.  And he continued to sing his storm song.

His song got louder as the evening went on, but he did go to sleep fairly quickly.  Thursday, his storm song was almost constant.  He laughed when I asked if we were going to get rain or a lot of snow.  (He has a very devilish giggle when he thinks I’m being especially goofy!)

Friday, it was still pouring rain, but the storm was coming.  All of the schools in our area were closing early and so was their workshop.  We were safely at home before the ice started, then the snow.  This morning, we had about 6″ of snow at our house, with drifts over a foot deep in some places.  He was right again.

When the kids were little, I had a coat rack in the dining room for their backpacks when they got home from school.  I always knew there was a snow day coming when Rob put his backpack in his room instead of the coat rack.  He was wrong once – school closed because of a flood, not snow.  He is much more reliable than any weatherman.

Rob is happily playing with his Legos now.  No storm songs and no squeals.  Casey is singing and says the snow is all done.  And I’m left wondering again just how sensitive they have to be to know when bad weather is coming.  I can’t imagine being able to feel the barometer dropping, though I suppose many of us do in one way or another.  Whether it’s a sinus headache or achy joints, we feel the changes.

I am so proud of the way the kids handle their sensitivities.  I know he gets loud and she shuts down, but I can’t imagine  what I would do.  When my patience is running out  – when I’ve heard the same darn phrase 100 times in the last ten minutes – I have to keep telling myself that they aren’t trying to annoy me.

They are simply trying to handle a pain that I can’t even imagine.  They are just communicating their needs in a way that I understand.  I have to stay calm or his anxiety will go even higher and he will get louder.  I remind myself that he can’t help it – that they are both coping the best they can, just like the rest of us.

I am constantly amazed that he knows exactly when rain/snow will start.  He walked into the dining room a few minutes ago and looked out the window.  I said that the snow was all done.  He looked at me and laughed – and it was snowing again.  I don’t know how many times he has shut the windows just a minute or two before the rain starts.

Can you imagine being that sensitive to things in our every day life?  To foods or textures or noises or odors?  Can you imagine feeling pain when you have to wear a certain type of clothing?  Or feeling sick when someone tries to force you to eat a gooey food?   It’s no wonder many people with autism hate crowds – imagine the smells and sounds!

My kids are stronger than I am.  The constant assault on my brain/body would be more than I could handle.  I know they don’t understand that not everyone feels/smells/hears like they do.  I’m sure they assume everyone is like them, but I wonder.  Do they ever watch us and wonder  what our lives are like?  Do they wonder why Mandy got to learn to drive and they didn’t?  Or why she lives in another house and they don’t?

For now, I’ll be happy that the storm song is quiet.  And I’ll be ready to listen when he starts singing it again.


Autism Mom Wonders – Is he Hungry or is it OCD?

Is it Hunger or OCD?

Raise your hand if you have ever had a day when you simply couldn’t stop eating.  I know I have them and it’s nearly impossible to control the urge to eat all of the chips and snacks in the pantry.  So, if everyone has them, how do I know if Rob is hungry today or if he’s just obsessing about food because of his autism?

And as I wrote that paragraph, Casey walked in to the room carrying a pack of candy that was on my desk.  Maybe it’s the weather?

We have had an odd week of weather with well below zero wind chills.  Rob hates the wind, but luckily, it was just so cold the wind didn’t have to blow much to drop the temps.  The super moon was earlier in the week, too.  And they were home Monday for New Year’s Day.  So, it’s been an odd week.  But would that drive them to eat so much?

Sure – stress does that to some people.  I tend to avoid eating when I’m stressed, but I know lots of people eat when they are stressed.  Casey will always try to sneak food or drinks, so I’m sure today is just a typical day for her, but what about Rob?

I’m trying so hard to watch what they eat and limit overeating as much as possible.  Exercising isn’t as easy in the winter (though he is going to an indoor track with staff during the day!) so I’m really watching what they eat.  He ate breakfast as usual, but at lunch, he wanted more after he finished.  Later in the afternoon, he asked for his pills early (they have snacks with their pills) and then wanted more after he ate when he usually does.

At supper, it was like he couldn’t get full.  He ate supper, then wanted waffles.  Then fruit, then crackers, then candy.  I gave him a banana and some crackers, then told him no more.   As I was washing dishes, I thought about the days when my appetite seems endless.

So now I’m feeling bad.   What if the storm that’s heading our way is stressing him out (he is a little loud) and his appetite is increased.   Am I making it worse because I’m not letting him eat everything?  Right about now would be a great time for a verbal breakthrough!

I know physically, he can’t possibly be hungry, but still, I feel so guilty telling him no.  Every time he hears someone in the kitchen, he comes running to see what they are doing.  I don’t remember the last time he acted like this – maybe he really is hungry.  I’ve noticed he is losing a little weight – maybe he isn’t eating enough.  How in the world am I supposed to know what is autism and what is being a young man?

So I just offered him carrots and he took them.  He isn’t fixated on a certain food.  Ok – he is hungry.  I think.  He refused the celery, but I’ve never seen him eat that.  I’m going to wait and see what he does, for now.

But this does bring up the hardest part of autism and limited communication.  It is so difficult to know what is really going on with the kids.  When Casey has a meltdown, is she tired?  mad?  hungry?  When Rob is relentlessly looking for paperclips, is he anxious, bored or hungry?

He’s getting louder now. I think the approaching storm is the problem.  So now the question is – do I let him eat everything he wants or keep trying to redirect him?  I think a pile of cardboard would be a great idea right now!  Hopefully, that will help until it’s time for his shower.  He’s been asking about Hopewell tomorrow – I’m a little worried this storm is going to be worse than predicted.

I really hate now knowing what they need or want.  I know how lucky I am that they have any communication at all, but still, it would be so nice if he could just say he’s starving!  Or that he’s anxious or that a huge storm is coming.

How do you handle the communication problems?  Do you ever feel guilty when you don’t give the kids everything they ask for?  Any tips for telling the difference between stress-related eating and obsessive eating?

Stay warm and stay safe everyone!