Autism and a Fun Day to End a Special Week

Casey and Rob came home Friday morning after a week at Camp Echoing Hills. Rob leaned his forehead on mine for a second when he saw me, while Casey gave me her sweet smile. It was getting miserably hot, even early in the morning, so they didn’t want to stand around too long. We drove around to the building where Mandy works so they could say hi to her and headed home.

She went right to her room to listen to music and fold socks. I peeked in after about an hour and she was still happily swaying back in forth in front of her dresser folding her socks. Rob crashed. He turned his AC on and that was that. He got up for lunch and went back to bed. I hope that doesn’t mean he kept his entire cabin up the whole week!

Rob told me he watched Mary Poppins and he went swimming. He ate Pop Tarts. And he went swimming. He took a shower. And he went swimming (are you starting to notice the pattern? 🙂 ). He was happy to be home, but he had fun, too.

Casey said she saw animals (she didn’t go to the barn alone! Score one! She did get upset that it was storming/raining when it was her turn to go, so one of the camp directors took her in the rain – how awesome is that?) and sang Baby Blue in the talent show. I asked her if Rob sang or if he watched – she said Rob can’t sing. 🙂 She also told me she went swimming, but only one time.

It made me feel so good to see how the counselors came to give the kids hugs and say goodbye to them. It was crowded so it was hard to see everyone – and Casey and Rob are ready to go! I wish I had time to talk to their counselors and see what they did and if they made any friends. I have so many questions, but the most important thing is they had fun. Casey has already asked when camp is next summer. Rob won’t ask, but he’ll be ready to pack when I tell him it’s time.

Today, we got to go to a birthday swimming party! Andrew is a young man whose mom worked with Casey and Rob a few years ago and he met them. He turned 14 this week and asked if Casey and Rob could come to his birthday party. It was going to be at a pool near our house that we haven’t been to, yet. To be honest, I wasn’t sure about going, but knew we needed to try it.

We went early before the pool got crowded (though, it never did today!) and they both got right in the water. I wondered how long they would last, as it is just a pool and doesn’t have water spouts or anything that Rob likes. We were there for over 3 hours! And really, the biggest reason we left wasn’t them, but that it began thundering and Casey does not like storms.

She got to have pizza and cupcakes while Rob enjoyed the almost empty pool. And – he was swimming! He kicked off the wall, kept his head underwater and was using his legs and arms. I’ve seen him kick before, but never use his arms, too! Maybe someone at camp helped him? I don’t know – I only know that every time I tried to show him, he ignored me. 🙂 He had a small ball and played with it for a long time. Both of them played catch with Andrew, a friend of his and his mom, Tory.

It was so much fun. “Typical” families rarely think about a birthday party like a family with special needs does. I hoped that Rob wouldn’t be too loud and disturb people who were trying to relax. (He did start repeating his favorite sandwiches from different restaurants and I asked him to use a quieter voice, but I don’t think he bothered anyone.) I hoped Casey would not help herself to anyone else’s coolers (yep – that’s happened many times!). I hoped she would be okay leaving early, if he needed to.

I hoped she would be patient for the “birthday” part of the party. I hoped he would last long enough. I didn’t want their quirks to ruin Andrew’s party or disturb other guests. Casey joined the birthday part, but Rob chose to stay in the pool and that was fine. My little weather man told me it was “stormy” and the sky was beginning to look dark, so we left soon. I can’t wait to take them to the pool again!

I wish it was always as easy as today was. Andrew is a special young man to have invited them to his party and his family was very welcoming to us. That’s not always something we can be sure of finding.

I truly hope that everyone who helped care for Casey and Rob and make sure they had a safe, fun week knows how much I appreciate them. I can’t always find each of them to say thank you, but they are in my thoughts. It does take a village to raise children (and adults! 🙂 ) and they are all part of our village!