Autism and Another Perfect Storm

Here in Ohio, today is finally a pretty, sunny day! We haven’t had many of these – it’s been gray and raining since November and not even any snow. The beautiful blue sky is helping to raise my spirits, but I’m still feeling anxious. We changed the clocks last night. Tomorrow is the full worm moon. Friday is the 13th. A perfect autism storm! Anyone have a blanket fort I can hide in until Saturday?

Honestly, Friday the 13th doesn’t bother my kids, but when it affects others, they feel it and get stressed. Rob is especially sensitive to the moods of other people. If we could just stay home for the week, we would be much happier. Maybe. Actually, probably not. Rob finally has aquatic therapy tomorrow and I’ve been reminded for the last 5 days that the kids are going with Bob and Reagan after Hopewell tomorrow. (Their time away from each other is going amazing! I’m so happy for them!)

I know they both felt the moon changing yesterday. Casey was quiet, but she had a look on her face. She was on edge and irritable. She kept it together all day and I didn’t ask her to do much. She spent a lot of time vigorously folding her socks and blaring music. She also spent a few hours curled up on the couch under a blanket with her iPad. And that’s okay. Life goes on. Weekends like this are not the time to try new things or make too many demands. The only time she got really irritated was at supper when she wanted to put more salt and pepper in her chili after she watched me do it. I told her no and she kept pushing the limits till I threatened to throw the salt and pepper away. (Yeah – not my finest moment, but she tends to overuse salt and I am limiting it. And I wanted to eat my supper while it was actually still warm for once. 🙁 )

Rob said “Gramma Roses go sit in the house. Grampa Mack go sit in the house!” for almost three hours – loudly. With a deep voice. He was building Lego houses and was on repeat. He did finally stop saying that and moved on to list every menu of every fast food place he could think of (and he knows many – even ones we don’t go to!) I turned the TV up a little louder than usual and let him go. I am happy to report he knows which restaurants have Coke and which only serve Pepsi (I only drink Coke!) But still, by evening, I was really ready for him to talk quieter. After supper, he settled down with his iPad. Yahoooo!

He got up at his usual time today, had breakfast and went back to bed. That’s his usual routine for Sunday and I don’t mess with it. Sometimes, I think the week just wears him out – and I don’t think he always sleeps as well as I think he does. He doesn’t get up and wander the house when he wakes up anymore, so I don’t always know when he’s awake. I heard Casey folding socks, but it’s quiet again. And I’m okay with that.

I’ll be honest. I’m dreading today and tomorrow. We don’t try to adjust meal or bed times when the time change happens. I know some people try to slowly do it, but we don’t. They know when bed time is. So for the next few days, we are all likely to be tired and hungry at weird times. And when we are all tired and hungry, we get irritable with each other. I have less patience – Rob is more anxious – Casey is moody. Anyone want to visit? 🙂

I don’t care what people say about the full moon effects. As the moon gets closer to being full, my kids start acting off. And it takes a few days passed the full moon before they are back to normal. So, basically, a week every month. Some months are worse than others – I’m not sure why, but I do know this month will not be fun. I hate changing the clocks. Ohio has a bill to stop Daylight Savings Time and I’m all for it. If it will help sway politicians, I’m willing to send Casey and Rob to live with them for a week. I guarantee they will stop this nonsense. (Or drink their way through the week! 🙂 )

I found some Easter crafts they can do today and maybe we’ll make some cookies. And a walk. Days like today are for having fun and taking it easy. No demands on any of us, if I can help it. I’ve been told I’m too easy on them, but I seriously do not care what others think. If that person wants to come and take over for a day, I’ll go away and enjoy the quiet. But, really, don’t push things in the next few days. As adults, we may feel the pull of the moon, but laugh it off and push on with our commitments. And when Casey and Rob are agreeable, that’s what we do.

But – it’s not going to hurt anyone to have a relaxing day. I’m feeling anxious just knowing that they will be off today. With an autism house, you never know what feeling off will bring. Loud anxiety? Screams? Meltdowns? The need to be close to someone all day? Deep pressure? No pressure? The same comforting routine or something different to take their mind off of the anxiety? Your guess is as good as mine and it won’t be the same for anyone. Casey would probably love to go somewhere, while Rob would rather hide in his room.

I hope you are one of the lucky ones that has a child who isn’t affected by the full moon or the time chance. But, if you are like me, try to relax. In a few days, this will all be over for another month and maybe the next full moon won’t be any big deal without the time change, too. We can always hope!

Until then, have that glass of wine or eat that cookie or binge watch your favorite show. Give yourself the day to just chill out. When the moon effects are gone is time enough to clean the house or pay bills or anything else that requires too much effort. We all need time to do that and the more relaxed you are, the more relaxed your child will be. So consider this a no-demands Sunday. Make it like a holiday and just enjoy it! Good luck and hugs to all! 🙂 🙂