Autism and Going Back to School

Autism and Going Back to School

Mandy wasn’t always happy about going back to school, but for the most part, Casey and Rob were. Rob wasn’t happy when he had to go for two years without his sisters, but he loved his teacher and the aides in the classroom, so it wasn’t much of a battle. But – for me, as happy as I was to have some breathing time alone, it was scary, nerve-wracking and intense. Honestly, I worried just as much about Mandy as Casey and Rob.

They had aides and I knew their teachers well. Because of their autism, people were always watching out for them (the fact that Casey run off the school playground more than once made everyone aware that she needed eyes on her at all times – and they just assumed Rob would be the same way!) but Mandy – she was so little and so alone. She knew kids in her class and I was on the PTO so was in her school often, but still…. I worried about her.

So I’m sure you are feeling it – whether you are a teacher, an aide or a parent – back to school nerves. I won’t lie – I’m relieved it’s not me, anymore! We were lucky and only had one teacher that caused major issues and another that was a pain in the butt, but by then, someone like her couldn’t phase me. 🙂 Rob always had amazing teachers and aides. Mandy has said the school district decided they didn’t want to deal with me anymore, so they put him with teachers I knew and liked. I seriously doubt it, but – I was never shy about fighting for the kids, so maybe…. 🙂

Anyway – my best advice for back to school with autism.

  1. Prepare your child. Only you know the best way to do this for your child. For us, I made paper chains to count down the days until school. Casey understood the calendar, but Rob still can’t be bothered to look at one, so this was a good visual for him. I talked about school all the time and made sure they were with me to pick out supplies – not just to prepare them for school, but so they could get exactly the back pack and lunch box they wanted.
  2. Prepare the teacher. If your child has had this teacher before, obviously, this is an easy one. You can simply update the teacher with any new quirks your child has developed. If you have never had this teacher, then make a list. Yes, you will have back to school paperwork to fill out, but this is different. Write down what your child is afraid of – loud sounds? the restroom? crowds? storms? Write down what sensory issues your child has – heat/cold? certain foods? Clothing/shoes? Write down what your child does when he/she is beginning to get overwhelmed – rubbing ears? flapping? rocking? humming? Write down what helps your child calm down – a quiet place? A hug? a favorite books? a walk? The more info the teacher has, the better the year will be for all of you!
  3. Once school has started, get in the habit of texting the teacher if there is anything going on at home that could bother your child at school. Didn’t sleep? Didn’t eat? a sick sibling? Anything! I know so many people that want to keep things private (a divorce, a death) but it will help your child’s teacher and that will help your child. Don’t expect a long text conversation, as the teacher is busy, but let them know. The more information they have, the better the outcome for your child.
  4. If you have a lot of info, send an email. Don’t call the teacher, unless you have been given a safe time to do this. If your child is in a regular ed class, teachers have 20 – 30 kids (and no aide to help!). A special education class is smaller, but with so many different needs, the teacher is swamped. Only call for an emergency and if possible, leave a message, such as you are on your way to pick up your child. It’s rare, but if the teacher consistently doesn’t answer you, ask why. Always talk to the teacher before you badmouth them to the principal. Be an adult and hope the teacher is, too. There is always time to go above the teacher’s head if you can’t work it out. Be kind, first. Always.
  5. Take your child to the school. Make sure they know where their classroom is, where the bathroom is and to meet the teacher. Take pictures of everything and make a book to read to your child. Casey’s preschool teachers took pictures of anything she might need at the school and made a book for her. She looked at those books until she got to junior high when they finally fell apart.
  6. Talk about school. Even if your child isn’t verbal, they are listening. Talk, talk, talk. Tell them happy stories from when you were in school.
  7. If you have concerns as school goes along, email the teacher with your concerns. Phone calls are nice, but hard to schedule. Give the teacher a day or two to respond, then call and leave a message.
  8. When there are problems, be nice. Always, always be nice. Until it’s simply time to not be nice. Then be politely un-nice. 🙂 Yep – I know that sounds silly, but – you can be firm and demanding without being a jerk about it. Your child has rights and you need to make sure the school understands you know those rights. (If you aren’t sure, take another parent or a parent advocate to meetings with you. Or ask your county board of developmental disabilities for a service and support coordinator) And understand, there will be times when you can’t be nice. And that’s ok, too. Just be nice as long as you can – then be ready to rip into whoever needs it.
  9. Say thank you. You have no idea what it means to an exhausted teacher to know they are appreciated and that you do know how hard they work. A short note, a small gift – anything will be deeply appreciated!

You are your child’s strongest ally and advocate. When you feel like giving up (and you will), have a good cry or tantrum, and move on. You can do this, I promise! If I can fight for years for Casey (and Rob, to a lesser degree, – he didn’t have as many serious issues, just lots of milder ones!) you can, too!

Good luck and make this the best school year, ever! 🙂

Autism and the Non-Compliant Child

Autism and the Non-Compliant Child

I was asked a few days ago what I would do if teachers or staff tried to force Casey and Rob to always be compliant. Okay, first of all – who is going to force me to always do what others think I should? 🙂 But, seriously, it is an issue that is running rampant in schools and care facilities. What to do about the person who won’t do what staff wants them to do? And then, what to do with the staff that try to force compliance on a person? (apparently, my first thought of smacking them in the head is NOT a good option! 🙂 ).

I do understand the need for a certain amount of compliance, especially for safety reasons. Children need to learn the dangers of running off from their group (and this is a tough thing to teach children and adults with no sense of danger!) or how to play on playground equipment correctly (again, a tough thing to teach sensory seekers!). But, I do not believe that any program should be a “one size fits all” program. Every child, special needs or typical, is different and those differences need to be considered when working with the child.

When Casey was in preschool, she refused to keep her hand on the rail as the group walked down the hall. I think she simply saw no need for it, so she didn’t do it. As long as she stayed with the group, her teachers and the aide didn’t care. Other teachers, though, force children to keep that hand on the rail. Why? As long as the child is walking with the group – who cares? Will it matter tomorrow?

And besides, you have no idea why that child/person may be avoiding something. How do you know that the rail isn’t painful to them? That it may hurt their arm to walk like that? Unless that child is verbal and can tell you, you don’t know. Forcing that child to walk like everyone else is just a power trip for that teacher. Again, I mean when the child is willingly walking and staying with the group – who cares where their hand is?

Maybe the child is avoiding doing an art project because the scissors hurt their hand? Or maybe they are embarrassed because they can’t use the scissors as easily as their classmates? Maybe the glue makes them gag. Maybe they simply do not understand what is being asked of them. And when the child refuses to do the art project, they may be labelled non-compliant and the teacher becomes frustrated.

I get it – you have laid out this wonderful, fun project (to you, anyway) about Valentine’s Day and that child refuses to cut out a heart. What is wrong with the child? Don’t they know that mom will love their project? Don’t they care about mom? Seriously, folks, I’ve heard teachers make these comments. I do understand the teacher’s excitement, but what about the child?

Every time you have a child that refuses to do something, stop and ask yourself “Why?” and really think outside the box. Maybe the person is hungry, tired or sad. Maybe they are thinking about the dance they get to go to later that day or maybe they are thinking about Legos or pizza or coloring books. Maybe they are wondering where the teacher got those cool socks. Teachers and staff tend to take non-compliance personally and usually, it has nothing at all to do with them.

I once taught a little guy who has autism and ODD (oppositional defiant disorder). He would sign that he wanted to go outside, but if you said, “Ok, let’s go” he would refuse every time and I ended up standing in the hall while he sat. He went against everything that was said to him – even if it was something he wanted to do. It was his disorder. I soon learned if he wanted to go outside, not to say a word, but to go get my coat and he would happily follow, because it was his idea. I spent a lot of time sitting in the hallway while he hung upside down as he tried to decide whether he wanted to do what I suggested or not. (I have to say – even with all of that, he is one of those little ones that gets into your heart and never leaves. He always has a smile for me when I see him now and it’s been years since I taught him).

Consider that the person may have sensory issues you are not aware of. Sensory issues ARE real, not just a way to get out of doing things. They are painful and distracting and stressful. If you don’t believe me, think about being put in a small room, music is playing, a candle with a strong odor is burning, the lights are flickering, the heat is turned up, the clock is ticking loudly and you are being forced to wear clothes that are itchy. And – you are told that for lunch, you are being fed something that absolutely turns your stomach. And, someone comes in and says, “Read this story. Answer the questions. And sit still, no wiggling.” Let’s see how long you last. Don’t fool yourself – you will be a grouchy mess.

And that’s what some of our kids live with every – single – day. Teachers and staff need to understand that. They also need to know that people with autism can “read” others. They know who respects and cares for them and who is only there for the money. And they will respond to those that respect them in a completely different way. If the kids know someone doesn’t like them, why in the world would they want to anything for that person? I have learned that if Casey or Rob avoids someone, there is a good reason and I should avoid that person, too.

As I said, some compliance is necessary. I believe Casey and Rob should help clean up messes they make. They need to take their medications. (although, if someone refuses to take theirs, think about their reasons. Maybe they feel worse after taking it? Maybe they don’t trust the person giving it to them? Always, always, think outside the box!) It can be very hard to discover the reasons behind many behaviors, but it has to be done.

Often, a new set of eyes can help. When you are too close to a problem, it can seem insurmountable, but someone new might see something you haven’t noticed. I’m always open to people giving me their ideas. I know sometimes I get stuck and can’t get past my irritation at the behavior or the fact that I’m just too tired. Ask for help before you do something you will regret. If your frustration is too great, walk away from the situation! One wrong action could have devastating affects on the person you are working with.

There are some people who are simply not cut out to work with people with autism. They don’t have the right temperment or passion. They may think it will be easy and when it isn’t, they get angry and do things without thinking. I get that – I’ve done that. But – our kids need to be surrounded by people who love them – not bullies who will force them to do what they are told. Yes, I do think some teachers/staff can be bullies. It becomes “You WILL do what I say, no matter what.” It becomes a battle of wills and trust me when I say this – no one is better at winning a battle of wills than a person with autism. You will not win. And if you do, it’s only because the child became bored and gave up. But, if it is truly something that child doesn’t want to do – they won’t give up.

And then you need to ask yourself “Is this the hill I want to die on?” That question was used in military strategy sessions in regards to whether holding a certain position is truly worth it. Think about it. If winning this battle meant losing your self-respect, is it worth it? Nope. It isn’t. So when things become intense and you are thinking about forcing someone with autism to do what you want, stop and think…

Is this the hill I want to die on?

Will this matter tomorrow?

If either answer is no, then walk away. The person with autism didn’t “win.” You both did.

Autism and Tips for Back to School

Autism and Tips for Back to School

This picture was the first day of school for Rob’s senior year. (I’ll admit – I got a little teary-eyed about no more first days of school!) But – I’m not gonna lie – I am so glad that my kids are done with school! I miss the teachers they had – and wish every child had amazing teachers like that, but I don’t miss the worry and the stress. I don’t miss buying hundreds of dollars of supplies and clothes. I don’t miss wondering if the other kids were mean to them. I think Rob, especially, likes his routine to stay the same. As much as he misses Mrs. Kaser (he still talks about ALL of the teachers and aides he had!), he likes knowing that his routine won’t change.

For those who are dreading back to school, I do have a few tips to help.

  1. Get to know your child’s teacher, aide and bus driver. Really – get to know all of the staff at your child’s school. Share your child’s favorite things and always, always be sure to tell the teachers what your child doesn’t like! It isn’t fair to them or your child for you to not share that. Let the teacher know you are always available to talk with him/her about issues that will come up. If you have concerns, share those, too. Only your child will suffer if you don’t keep the lines of communication open.
  2. If your child has a rough night, text the teacher and let her know that. She will know that that day may not be the best one to start new lessons – it might be best to just go with the flow that day and start fresh the next day.
  3. Always, always share anything that happens at home that may upset your child with the teacher! You may feel some things are private, but a death or divorce in the household will upset your child and the teacher needs to be aware of it.
  4. Share your best ideas with dealing with your child’s behaviors. If you know weighted vests help, tell the teacher. If your child needs ear protection for loud noises, tell the teacher. The more you share, the better your child’s school day will go! If your child insists on wearing the same shirts all the time, who cares? Share all of your child’s sensory needs with the staff at the school – and be sure the bus driver is aware of them, too! (I have no idea why bus drivers and cafeteria people are not always included in the loop – they are with your child every day, too!)
  5. If your child is little, you may want to talk to his/her class about autism before they go. You don’t need to share a lot of details, only that your child may not talk to them, but would love to have someone to play on the swings with or color a picture.
  6. If you have something to tell the teacher, send an email if it isn’t a pressing matter. Remember that every time you interrupt the teacher, that’s time you are taking away from your child and the other students. If your information can wait, send the email and be patient for a reply. While your focus is only on your child, the teacher is doing his/her best for many students and they want to do their best for each of them.
  7. If there is a problem, talk to the teacher. If you don’t get results, talk to the principal. It’s okay to be the parent the school is tired of dealing with. I’m quite sure my kids’ school district was as happy as I was when Rob graduated. I never meant to be a pain in the butt (well, okay… yeah… there were a few times, I meant to be – and I would do it all again! 🙂 ). Keep talking until you get help.
  8. If the problems are still not resolved, get your county or state board of developmental disabilities involved. And remember, nothing can be fixed as quickly as you want it to be. Be patient.
  9. Be nice until it’s time to not be nice. Nice will always get you farther – but some people need you to not be nice to get their undivided attention. I slapped my hand on the table in the middle of Casey’s IEP when she was little and demanded the district’s special education coordinator pay attention and quit playing with his pen and other folders. He never made the mistake of ignoring my kids again. 🙂 🙂 And we became friends!
  10. Try to relax. Your child will feel your anxiety and will react to it. (Yeah, learned this the hard way!) Assume the year will be awesome until you have to think it isn’t.

I hope each of your children has a wonderful first day back to school! Enjoy the peace and quiet. Rest if you can – do something you can’t do when they are there (sleep? read? shower?) and leave the laundry and housework. It will be there tomorrow.

Just like with doctors and therapists, remember that you are your child’s best advocate! You know your child better than anyone else! If you think something isn’t right – investigate. You can visit your child’s school anytime – drop in at an odd time and see what’s going on.

Good luck! And be sure to say “thank you” to your child’s teachers and other staff. Your appreciation will go a long way!

Autism and Trust between Parents and Teachers

Autism and Trust between Parents and Teachers

In the last week, I have read two stories about teachers who callously abused the children with autism they are trusted to care for each day. In one case, the principal felt “threatened” when an 11 year old boy with autism needed to use the restroom and he rushed past her. She locked him out of the school.

Yes, you read that right. She locked an 11 year old boy with autism out of the building – and then instructed all staff to not let him in. There is video showing this boy wandering around the school – even at one point, another teacher pulling down the blind so he couldn’t see in (or she couldn’t see what was happening in front of her face! 🙁 ) Eventually, another student – yes, a child – let him into the school. I will confess I don’t know the whole story, but I DO know that it was NOT safe for that child to be outside on his own.

What if he wandered away from school? What if someone took him? What the hell was that woman thinking? And the rest of the staff at the school who listened to her? My blood boils just thinking about it. And I thank God that wasn’t my child. I would be in jail right now.

In the other case, a teacher and two aides locked children in a dark bathroom for undetermined amounts of time (I’ve heard varying lengths) and also blew a whistle in the ear of a child whose ears are so sensitive that ear guards were worn. They pulled the guards off and blew the whistle into his ear. The teacher is the wife of a county sheriff’s deputy. Again – I just want to scream “What the hell is wrong with you?”

Do they get off on being cruel? Do they have no clue what they are doing? Are they that frustrated with the children? (This is a school for children with autism). They have since been charged with several things. (I haven’t heard anything about the staff from the other school, other than the principal was put on administrative leave, pending investigation). Personally, my Mama Bear came out. I’m hoping they all go to jail and the other prisoners are told they abused children with autism. I just don’t care about them. (Can you tell how angry this makes me??)

One of the scariest things of sending your child with autism to school is not knowing what happens while they are there. You rely on the teacher/aide being honest with you and protecting your child. When your child acts out, you trust that they will be professional and kind, even when they are frustrated. You don’t expect that they will lock your child outside of the building. Or in a closet.

That happened to Casey.

She had a hard time in Kindergarten at the end of the year. In first grade, things got worse for her. She was having screaming meltdowns. (This was in the early 90’s – few people had a clue what to do.) The school thought I was lying to them because I said it wasn’t happening at home (and it wasn’t, yet). I think school was demanding of her – and it was full of lights, sounds, and strangers that she couldn’t process. Home was her safe place. Eventually, her sensory issues carried over into home, too.

One thing we had read to try was for students to have a “safe” place to go when they started feeling overwhelmed. Her teacher cleaned out a supply closet and put bean bags, blankets and stuffed animals in it. All the parents had to sign a paper saying it was okay for their child to use the quiet room. I was fine with it and signed.

Imagine my shock when I discovered a few months later that a half door (too high for her to see out) had been installed with bolts on the outside of the door. My sweet little girl was being locked in this area when she screamed. And I hated that teacher. And the aide. And the principal and everyone else who lied to me about what was going on. There are only a few days in my life that I can honestly say I have been mad enough to kill. That was one of them.

The school justified it because I had signed the paper saying she could “use the quiet room as needed.”

I wanted heads to roll. I wanted to beat the living crap out of every one of those people.

I still want to smack them. It’s been 25 years. Some things you don’t get over.

Believe it or not, that was just the beginning of what I found out they had done to her. They tied her shoelaces to her desk chair. They isolated her at lunch time (though, honestly, she liked that – the cafeteria was too noisy and she just couldn’t handle it.) They wrote letters to her doctors accusing us of abuse (I found out about those when I took her to the doctor for strep – the teacher didn’t even have to guts to talk to me – and they never reported suspected abuse to anyone, despite being required to do so.)

When that came out, we met with the principal who had signed the letters. She actually looked at me, said she probably shouldn’t have done it and asked if I wanted to hit her. She has no idea how close I came to do just that. She handled it badly – she knew she was in trouble. I’m sure the teacher forced her. Do I forgive her? Nope.

The good thing that came from all of this is that the special education coordinator and I finally managed to build a friendship. (We tended to butt heads, but he came through on this. He was beyond angry and stood with me). When he passed away last year, I felt like I had lost a friend. We were finally able to be on the same team for Casey and soon, for Rob. He even made sure that the teacher who did this was moved before Rob was to go to that school. There was never a question of that woman getting near another of my kids and Casey was moved to another room early. (Usually, kids were in a class from K – 3rd grade – she moved after 2nd grade)

I didn’t blame the school as I’m sure few had any clue what was happening. There were (and still are!) amazing, caring, wonderful teachers there and throughout the whole school district. We are blessed that we only had that one to deal with (we had issues with another when Casey was in high school, but she didn’t stick around long) We were advised to hire a lawyer and sue the district. It took a lot of praying and thinking before we decided against it. The teacher was not near my kids (unfortunately, she did continue to teach. I shudder to think what else she may have done – I warned everyone to keep their kids away from her) and I still had three kids in the district. I knew Casey and Rob were going to have a hard enough time without being known as the kids of sue-happy parents.

Once something like this happens, finding that trust again is so hard. Again, God was watching over us and I didn’t have to see the two people I held the most responsible for the situation. When it came time for IEPs, I flatly told the principal she was not welcome at their meetings.

Luckily, the teachers God sent us for Rob and Casey the following year were among the best in the district – I still believe that! I knew Casey’s teacher was overwhelmed at times but she called me and we brainstormed together. We thought as far outside the box as people can think. She talked to her doctor. They all went to conferences with me to learn new ideas. The love both teachers and all the aides felt for all the students was obvious. I hope they know that I still thank God for them. I couldn’t have made it without them. (And Casey and Rob still talk about all of their teachers with smiles and happy eyes. Casey never mentions that one teacher).

I debated whether to even write this. What I want to do is help explain over-protective parents to teachers. Yes, we may have a lot of questions – we may text or call you too often. Please understand that, in most cases, it is from an underlying fear that someone could hurt our babies. We have to be protective in the only way we can.

The fear and anger of what happened to Casey still sticks with me. I overact, at times, when I don’t think people are treating her right. I do apologize for that, but until you see how cruel people you trust can be, you don’t understand how that pain lingers. I wish Casey and Rob could just tell me when something happens. I hate finding out in bits and pieces over weeks.

Parents, most teachers are wonderful, loving people who only want the best for your child. You have to trust them – help them get to know your child. Be open to meetings and be honest about your child. Teachers, understand that for several hours a day, you are holding our most precious gifts – and we are scared. Be available to listen. Be open to suggestions. Love and protect our children. We understand frustration – just tell us and let’s work through it together.

Only by being a team can our kids get everything they need.

Back to School with Autism

Back to School with Autism

This is the first year – ever – that Rob hasn’t asked about going to school.  He graduated in 2011, but every August, he asked about River View and Mrs. Shrimplin and Mrs. Barb and so many others.  At first, I thought he just missed the routine, but then it became more of a “I don’t have to go, right?” question.

He and Casey both still talk about the teachers and aides that they had.  They name them off by year (and to be honest, they remember more than I do, as they mention teachers that were at the school that they liked) and Casey will tell me their birthdays – and the birthdays of some of the kids that were in her classes.  Rob had a group of buddies in elementary school that watched out for him and helped him when he needed it.  He still talks about them and once in a while, will look at a picture book to see those boys.

I recently saw a post –  brace yourself – where an autism mom admitted she could not wait for school to start!  Can  you imagine?  Someone admitting that she needed a break from her child, even with the stress of school days?  So many parents commented that they dreaded school and would rather be with their child all of the time.

While I do understand that idea (after all, if your child is with you, you don’t have to worry about them – they are safe with someone who loves them!), I am all for getting a break when you can.  We had a rough couple of years of school and I was ready to say the heck with it and home school the kids.  I was beyond sick of paperwork, of worthless professionals, of day to day crap of trying to explain autism to people who didn’t seem to give a damn.  The hardest part was seeing the teachers that we loved and respected having an even harder time.  It just wasn’t worth it.

Then I really thought about it.  I needed those few hours every day to breathe.  I needed to be able to sit down and not be constantly on watch.  I was fed up with issues at school, but I knew, deep down, that I couldn’t teach the kids.  I mean, I could have taught them, but I would have been even more exhausted than I was.  I knew that pulling them out of school (and that includes Mandy!) was always an option to fall back on.

So, let me be a parent that says “YAYYY!  It’s time for school!”  Did I miss them?  Yep.  Was I happy when they had days off?  Yes.  Did we have fun things to do?  Yes.  But – I was able to plan those fun, crafty, lazy days because I wasn’t sleep-deprived and stressed.  If you are excited to watch for the school bus, admit it!  Honestly, I think most parents are, but you aren’t supposed to admit it to anyone.  Ugh – admit it to me!  I won’t tell a soul that you are ready for a morning nap and to eat a quiet lunch.

I know how stressful school is for you when you have a special needs child.  Worrying about their safety and whether they are happy is constantly in your mind.  But I also know you can handle the stress a little better when you have  a break from autism for a few hours.  Don’t feel guilty.  We all put too much guilt on ourselves (I do this – I feel like I haven’t done nearly enough with the kids this summer – even though we’ve done what they wanted and then some!).  Summers just fly by.

Try to reduce some of your stress by meeting your child’s teacher as soon as possible.  Bring pictures and tell the teacher your concerns.  Or make a list of “quirks” your child has so the teacher is ready.  Make sure you share as many good things as negative!  Even on the toughest days, there is some tiny little thing to be happy about.

Ask the teacher the best way to communicate.  Email?  Quick texts?  Be sure they understand that you want open communication – that you want to know what’s happening with your child.  Some teachers worry about telling negative things, and I understand that, but if you don’t know about behaviors, how can you devise a plan to deal with them?  And, the sooner you know, the better.

Be honest with the teacher.  If there is a stressful event at home (a death or a divorce, etc), tell the school.  More than likely, your child will be affected and they can’t help if they don’t know about the problem.  You don’t have to share private details – just the simple fact that something is going on at home.

Be respectful!  This goes both ways – teachers need to respect the parents’ wishes as much as parents need to respect teachers.  Don’t talk negatively about the teacher/parent when the child may overhear (and remember, many people with autism have amazing hearing!)

If you feel there is a problem, talk to the teacher/parent!  Don’t wait until the issue is beyond fixing!  If you simply can’t agree with the teacher/parent, it may be time to bring in the principal or someone else who can mediate the problem.  Remember that, most of the time, you both want what is best for the child!  Work together to find what works.

I hope each of you finds wonderful teachers and new friends for your children as you start this new school year.  Enjoy that small break from autism!

A Diagnosis of Autism – Now What do you Do?

A Diagnosis of Autism - Now What?

Mandy was at a craft show today and met a lady whose grandson had recently  been diagnosed with autism.  Mandy talked to her for a while and shared a little of the conversation with me.  It brought back memories of similar discussions with other parents I’ve had over the years and shows again how lucky we were with our first few months.

Casey was very healthy and got her well-baby check-ups at our county health office, so our doctor never had a chance to tell us she was behind in many areas.  The nurse at the clinic didn’t seem concerned, but did say we should see about speech therapy for her.  I started driving her to a city 35 miles from home once a week for therapy.

Her therapist suggested she might benefit from preschool, so I enrolled her in the Y.  The first day I went to pick her up, I could hear her screaming from outside.  She was under a cupboard and out of control.  She was scared to death and overwhelmed by the noise and the differences in her routine.  She eventually settled down, but it was clearly not the right place for her.  The teachers were amazing and got on contact with our local school district.

Casey started her new preschool and loved it.  She adored her teachers and they understood a little more about autism.  During her summer break, she was officially diagnosed with autism.  We were pretty sure autism was the cause of her communication difficulties and the other signs that were beginning to show up in her life so hearing the doctor say the words wasn’t a big shock.

Since she was already enrolled in a specialized preschool, we merely continued with what we were doing – speech once a week and working with her on the same things her teachers were doing.  And I also began to watch Mandy and baby Robbie for signs of autism.  I couldn’t change it if they did have autism, but I wanted to know early.  When he was old enough, he started the same preschool that the girls had gone to.  He was already getting therapy before we got a diagnosis for him.

I had an amazing support system with teachers, therapists, family and friends.  No one really knew anything, but we all learned together and same days were not good.  There weren’t as many options for therapy in 1991 as there are now and when we did find something we wanted to try, it was rarely available in our small town – or insurance refused to pay for it.  And so the fight began…

I had to argue with the insurance company.  I had to call the doctor over and over to get prescriptions for therapies and then try to figure out how to pay for it.  Social Security wasn’t an option as it is based on family income until the child is 18.  So I did what I could and kept reading.

Most of the time, I felt incapable of getting the kids what they needed.  I was just a mom – not a professional with a bunch of letters after their name.  Surely, they knew what was best – right?  No!  And that was the hardest and first lesson you will have to learn.  YOU know your child best – their needs, their difficulties, what sets them off, what makes them happy.  Yes, you need to listen to the professionals, but never be too afraid or too shy to stand up and speak your mind.

I was too shy.  For months, the special education coordinator intimidated me.  He intimidated everyone – often, in meetings, he tapped pencils or shuffled papers and seemed to be not listening to a darn thing that was being said.  At the end of the meeting, he would hand me a paper and tell me to sign it.  And for a long time, I did.  I would leave meetings in tears – from anger and sadness.  Until one day, he shuffled his papers one too many times and Mama Bear showed up for the first time.

I slammed my hand on the table and told him that she might be a number to him but Casey was MY DAUGHTER and he was going to listen to every word being said or I would go over his head and find someone who gave a damn.  That was a turning point for us – and when he retired many years later, I called him a friend.   Always, always be nice as long as you can – but, stand up for yourself and your child, too.

Find a doctor you are comfortable with and who listens to you.  You are allowed to ask questions – if your doctor rushes you out or doesn’t acknowledge your child, you may want to find another doctor.  Hopefully, your doctor is like both of ours – they are willing to do whatever they can to help the kids.

One of the first phone calls I really recommend you make is to your county board of developmental disabilities.  They will have services that can help your family and be able to point your in the right direction for other help.   Most of the time, when your child becomes a client of your county board, you will be assigned a case manager (they are called service and support in our area) who will be the person you contact whenever you need help.  We have had amazing SSA’s over the years – I’ve cried to them and yelled and told them I was just too tired to deal with anymore.  They are my friends and I’m so grateful to each!

Social Security might be an option to help pay for services for your child, but remember, until your child is 18 it is based on family income.  It’s worth a call, though.

If your child is 3 or older, call your local school district.  Just a head’s up, though – all of this takes time and you may have to call more than once to get what your child needs.  Be persistent and know that, while your child is the most important to you, the district has 100’s of kids who are just as important.  Try to be patient – but persistent.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease, after all.

Some hospitals have therapy departments that may be able to service your child.  It might also be possible for lower rates if your insurance won’t pay.  It can’t hurt to ask.  Get used to asking for things because that’s a new part of your life.

Remember that this stuff doesn’t need to be done all at once.  Give yourself time to adjust to your new life.  Your child hasn’t changed, but having a diagnosis changes you.  Before, you were just a parent, now you are a parent of a special needs child.  Give yourself time to grieve, if you feel the need.  Some days, all you need to think about is just to take deep breaths.  Take care of yourself – that’s more important than ever.

Look for support, either in a group or online.  You will be surprised at how much better you will feel just by hearing what other parents have to say.  Lean on others and let them lean on you.  Most important – remember your child is still the sweet little person you love more than anything in the world.  Autism won’t define him/her any more than their hair color!


Autism and a New School Year

Autism and a New School Year

Even though my kids are well beyond school, we still talk about it every August.  Rob wants to be sure he doesn’t have to go back and Casey wants to know how soon she can watch the school bus go by our house again.  A child with autism and a new school year can be so stressful for everyone!

My family was lucky.  With just a few exceptions, Casey and Rob had amazing, wonderful teachers who are still friends today.  These ladies went above and beyond to help them – to learn, to grow, to become the awesome young adults they are today.  Saying thank you will never be enough to any.  I can only hope that the people who helped us will always know how grateful we are.

Letting your little one head off to school is so hard, especially when they have special needs.  You have to wonder if they are happy – safe – hungry – tired – thirsty – you name it.  Can they ask for help?  Will the teacher love them and see how special they are?  At times, it may seem easier to just homeschool and keep your child safely with you.

Believe me, there were years I considered that.  I got so tired of dealing with it all.  Their teachers were so good, but their hands were tied at times.  The government made the rules and even if the rules were stupid, they had to be followed.  So many times, I wanted to be a politician, just so I could have a say in the laws that were made.

The reality was, I knew the kids needed to go to school as much as I needed a break from them.  They needed to be around children their own age and have a chance to make friends, if they wanted them.  Rob had a big group of buddies.  Casey was a loner.  It’s funny, because now, those roles are reversed.  She has the group of friends and he sticks with a few close ones.

There are so many things you can do to help your child’s school year go well!  Communication is so important!  When my kids were little, texting didn’t exist, yet, but each of them had a notebook that went back and forth every day.  Their preschool teachers started this habit and we continued for years.  I love going back and reading them – their entire elementary years are in those books.  Sometimes, it makes me cry.  There were some black times.

Meet your child’s teacher as soon as possible.  Take your child to meet them – or invite the teacher to your home so they can meet in a “safe” place.  Don’t force your little one to spend a lot of time with the teacher – just let them get comfortable.  Trust me, this will make your first days of school much easier.  Set up a way to communicate with the teacher.  Perhaps you could send a quick text if your child didn’t eat or sleep well or if something happened that may affect their day.

For longer concerns, send an email.  But remember that the teacher is busy during the day and don’t get upset if you have to wait till evening or the next day for a response.  Would you rather the teacher answered your email or spend time with your child?  For immediate concerns, call the school.  But make sure it is a true emergency.  Remember – every minute the teacher is dealing with you is a minute they are not with your child.

I’m sure notebooks are a thing of the past for communication, unless your child has a one on one aide who might have time to write each day.  Maybe the teacher could text you a smile for a good day.  It won’t take them long and your mind will be at ease.  You have to discuss these options – or others – with the teacher.  Don’t wait for the teacher to bring it up.  Again, you are preparing one child for school – the teacher is trying to prepare for an entire class of students (and their parents!) that all have different needs.

If you can, take your child to visit the school.  Even if it is the same school, show them their new classroom.  Take pictures of everything and make a picture schedule for your child to carry.  When Casey started elementary school, she had pictures of her desk, of her backpack on her hook in the classroom, of the bathroom, of all of the staff at the school.  Anything she might need during the day was included in her little book.

Make a social story book to help your child understand situations they might encounter, such as waiting in line or riding the school bus.  Try to think outside the box – go beyond normal.  I made up silly songs to help Casey.  (she liked my singing – Rob not so much!)

Let your child pick out their school supplies as much as possible.  Making choices gives them a little control over a world that is out of control much of the time.  Buy the clothes your child is comfy in.  Rob wore striped t-shirts with no pockets from Walmart for several years.  He chewed on the fronts of them, but he was happy and relaxed so I let him wear what he wanted.  I still do that.  Fighting over fashion is a huge waste of time and energy!

Consider your child’s sensory needs and be sure the teacher is aware of them.  The fire alarm could send both Casey and Rob into hysterics.  They were taught to cover their ears (though Rob had so many issues with noises, we eventually bought him a set of hunter’s ear protection to wear at school every day.  Not only did they block noise, but they gave him pressure on his jaw to ease anxiety) and the school informed their teachers before the alarms were pulled so they could warn the kids.

Try to be patient.  Remember that nothing gets done quickly, especially when there is testing that needs done, that can only be done after a certain paper is signed, after a specific amount of time has gone by.  Be patient, but be informed.  Stay on top of what needs done.

Teachers, please be patient with your parents.  You have the children 7 hours a day and you think about them more than that.  But – those children are not keeping you awake all night or refusing to eat or screaming and breaking things.  Your parents are more tired than you are and are doing the best they can.  Sometimes, a simple smile can do more for an exhausted parent that you can imagine.

Respect each other.  No bad mouthing – no criticizing. Understand you are both doing the best you can.  If there truly is a problem. talk it out.  Find a mediator to ease the discussion.  Say thank you.  Treat each other the way you want to be treated.  It’s simple.

Parents, I’m all for being nice.  But when it’s time to not be nice anymore, don’t be afraid.  You are your child’s best advocate.  You have to stand up for them.

Good luck this year!  I hope everyone has an amazing school year.  There were many times I wasn’t sure we would make it, but Casey and Rob both have high school diplomas and I couldn’t be more proud of them.  They worked hard and struggled many times, but they did it.  Casey even participated in her graduation ceremony!

We made it because of the love and dedication of so many people.  Karen, Stacey, Polly, Beth, Ruth, Donna, Wendy, Jerri, Cinda, Barb and so many others.  Know that the kids still talk about each of you and you  changed their lives.  We love you!

I hope each of your has a wonderful first day of school and an even better school year!