Autism and the Ever-Changing Rules

So many things in our lives are set in stone. Casey and Rob like things a certain way and that’s that. While I might try to change those routines once in a while, I’m often quickly corrected about how I am supposed to do things. Sometimes, though, Casey or Rob throws me a surprise and I saw a few of those this week.

The full moon late the week before really messed with both of them. She was more irritable and he wasn’t sleeping well. Imagine my excitement when I read the new moon on January 24th is supposed to have an even bigger affect on people’s emotions. (While I’m not a firm believed in Astrology, I do know that certain things mess up our emotions and the stage of the moon is definitely one of them!) After last week of them taking turns not sleeping well, I’m too tired to want to think about what this week will bring.

But, I did see a few positive changes last week. I’ve written before that Casey refuses to have her feet touching the kitchen floor when the light is turned on or off. She will hop and squeal and run out of the room. (Actually, it is a little funny at times – and most of the time, she is laughing. I think she knows how silly she looks, but simply can’t help herself!) Last night, we had company and she wanted more chicken dip. I told her she had had enough, but she laughed at me and grabbed a plate.

I went into the kitchen and told her no, again. (I was more irritated at the grin on her face when she did exactly what I told her not to do than I was that she was getting more!) She grabbed the lid off the crock pot, laughed at me and started to help herself. I flipped the light switch and watched her giggle and run to the dining room. She was laughing, I was laughing and so was everyone else. But – she came into the kitchen for more. So I flipped it again. And again, she squealed and jumped back into the dining room. After a few more tries, she finally decided that she wanted dip more than she wanted to be off the floor when the switch was flipped.

Amazing! We just stood and watched her walk calmly (well, sort of! 🙂 ) to the crock pot as the light went on and off. Now, before anyone thinks I was starving her – she had already had 3 huge pieces of pizza, 2 cookies, and two huge helpings of the dip, plus tortilla chips. She was not at all hungry and I was afraid she was going to make herself sick. She was able to get beyond her routine when she was focused on something else. (But – this morning – she jumped a foot when Rob flipped the light on! 🙂 )

We had some bad weather Friday night into Saturday. I’m sure Rob knew it was coming, but he didn’t say a word about it. He wasn’t any louder than usual and not at all worried. This is really out of character for him. My only guess is that he was so tired from not sleeping right the whole week, that he was just happy Saturday would be a day to sleep in. And that tiredness helped him crash Friday night instead of getting worked up by the storm. (I’m so used to him letting me know when bad weather is coming that I was shocked Saturday morning! )

Rob got a weighted blanket for Christmas that he seemed to love as soon as he got it. He pulled it up over himself and seemed to relax with the weight. Now, we have another rule. He can use the blanket (without the cover) only on his lower legs when he is sleeping. If he is sitting in his recliner and looking at his iPad, the blanket (with the cover) can be up to his waist. (I can’t make this stuff up – and I can’t keep track at times! 🙂 )

She still needs to pat socks, shoes, the floor in front of the closet and the closet handle to put her shoes on. He still needs his snack and pills to be waiting when he gets out of the shower. She still needs to wear certain slippers at certain times of the day. He still needs to wear red, sleeveless t-shirts with wind pants. She needs two waffles, he needs three.

So many things never seem to change, but then, all of a sudden, I realize that routines have changed! I have no idea why they relax their needs – I have no idea why other routines take their place. I am just along for the ride most days! 🙂 I think when Rob’s anxiety isn’t so bad, he relaxes his grip on routines and once he realizes he is okay with change, he doesn’t always go back to it. (Now, watch – he will prove me wrong – again!) I do so many things out of habit now that maybe I’m the reason things rarely change and not that they need it to be the same. 🙂

I hope the new moon doesn’t effect your home too badly! Remember to take care of yourself – steal those few minutes of “you time” whenever you can! 🙂