Autism and a Day of Fun

Every year, the last weekend in September is one the kids look forward to all year. It’s the week of our county fair and they both really enjoy it. The higher and faster they are spun on the rides, the more they laugh and the calmer they are. It’s a weird paradox that, for them, one this one day, loud noises, flashing lights and crowds of people are calming. (They aren’t to me! 🙂 )

We always go early so as soon as the rides start, Casey and Rob can jump on and ride to their hearts’ content without waiting for long lines. Rob’s favorite ride wasn’t there again this year, but he didn’t seem to mind and he even tried a new ride! It goes upside down and he has always hated that – it scared him. He still refused to try the Ferris Wheel or a ride that goes straight up and then drops the riders. Heights are not his friend. I wanted to point out that the other rides he was on were just as high, but he’s not stupid. He knows more about those rides by looking at them then I ever will.

I took Casey on the Ferris Wheel, even as it scared her to death. She hates heights, but the ride is there and she rides it every year, so it must be ridden again. I understand her autism reasoning and the inability to change her routine, but still….. I keep hoping that she’ll be able to relax the routine enough to understand she doesn’t have to do something that is too scary! I don’t see that happening any time soon, but then, I didn’t imagine Rob would ever get on something that would leave him hanging upside down, either.

the changes – they are coming so fast! Today, Casey was the one who was ready to leave. Rob wanted to stay and ride. As they got on their last ride, I told Tracie how much I hated this. If I made Casey happy, Rob was disappointed. If I made Rob happy, Casey would get mad. And she reminded me that every parent who has more than one child has been in that position! 🙂 I know that, but Rob seemed so happy and it’s so wonderful to see him smiling and to hear his laughter. It was hard to leave.

Once he had a snack, though, he was content to leave. I think after he got away from the noise and crowds, he wasn’t too keen on going back. I’m sure he would have. Or mostly sure, anyway, because going home after our snack has always been our routine and he follows routines as much as Casey – he’s just more able to change them.

It was so nice today to stand near them as they were in line and not have to hold hands or constantly say “wait” to Rob. They got on and off the rides by themselves and looked for Tracie and I once they came out of the exits. When we walked through the crowds, they stayed with us without hanging on tight. Another improvement!

Every year at fair time, it seems I notice new things they are doing or things they don’t need to do anymore. I see things all year, but at the fair, I seem to notice it more. Maybe because I’m always thinking about the year before when we go. I’m not sure and I wish I knew why Rob, especially, has changed and grown so much in the last year.

They have their annual check-up with their neurologist this week and I can’t wait to tell him how well they are doing. Last year, we were even able to reduce one of Casey’s meds and I’m wondering if that might happen again this year. Trust me – I was very worried about changing meds, but it didn’t bother her at all.

Today was such a fun day. Tracie and I had time to talk while they rode the rides – they laughed and had a wonderful time. The weather was wonderful and our French fries were so good! But, best of all – it was just like a typical family outing. I wasn’t hanging onto the kids – they were able to communicate what they wanted. Only another special needs family can understand how wonderful it was to just be another family having fun and not one that was stressing over everything that might happen.

I hope each of you gets to have a happy, fun day as a family soon – no matter what that might look like for you. Remember – my wonderful days won’t look like yours, so never compare them. Enjoy every happy minute with your awesome families! I’d love to hear about some of your fun days!