Autism and a Birthday Week

Casey loves birthdays. She loves to know everyone’s birthdays and can still tell me the birthdays of children in her preschool class! (thanks to her autism!) She hears someone’s birthday once and she doesn’t forget. It took me years (and sometimes, she still asks!) to get her to understand that we are not celebrating every birthday she knows, nor are we going to find those people and intrude on their celebrations.

As much as she loves other people’s birthday, nothing compares to the excitement she feels when it is HER day! She reminds me as soon as Mandy’s birthday is over in February that she is next. She doesn’t countdown – she just says “Casey will be 31 March 22.” Over and over… and she will make a list of what she wants. And where she wants to eat it. Everything must happen. This year, though, we saw that as excited as she is, she is willing for changes to happen.

My dad’s birthday is the day after hers and we have always had two celebrations. We wanted her to have her special day and even when we talked about combining them in other years, Casey wasn’t happy about it. Grandpa’s birthday was not the same day as hers and shouldn’t be celebrated on her day. (We always have her birthday party on her day – she can’t grasp doing it another day.) This year, she was okay with celebrating both together! It was a huge step for her!

She was a little concerned about how many candles we would need, as she said she needed 31 and Grandpa needed 74 (at which point Rob spoke up and said “105” and completely shocked me. He never talks about math and didn’t like it in school… this is just more proof they know more than they tell us and we should never doubt their abilities!). I told her we were absolutely not going to light 105 candles (though, now…. I kind of wish we did! 🙂 ) and she laughed. She has been okay with fewer candles on her cake for a few years – as long as she gets to blow them out and have everyone (including herself!) sing to her.

Another change this year was she decided she wanted “banilla pie with bananas” instead of cake! I was amazed she wanted pie instead of the traditional cake which usually has a Sesame Street character on it. I bought the ingredients for her pie (banana creme! lol) but was sure I would be making another trip to the store for cake stuff. She never changed her mind. She did keep reminding me that she wanted a new Ernie, summer PJ’s and money to go shopping. 🙂

She was up before dawn on her birthday. When I went to get her up, she bounced to me for a hug (WOW!) as I sang Happy Birthday to her. She had the sweetest smile on her face and couldn’t wait to start her day. They had her favorite doughnuts for breakfast and off to Hopewell.

As soon as they got home, she said she wanted McDonald’s for supper. I reminded her we could go anywhere (can you guess who didn’t really want that?? 😉 ) but she insisted. Mandy and Cory came for supper and then it was a waiting game until Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Angela, Lacey and Anna arrived. She was so happy to open presents – to find Sesame Street coloring books and books, summer PJ’s and money. Then…. Ernie!! She lit up when she saw how big he is and named him “Da Biggest Ernie” But, even better – Mandy and Cory bought her Elmo Fatheads (giant wall stickers) She wasn’t sure what they were at first, but was thrilled it was Elmo. Now he is all over her walls and she giggles when she thinks about that.

The funny thing is, once she had her pie (and a piece of Grandpa’s cake) she disappeared into her room. To her, her birthday was done. She didn’t care that her guests were still there, nor did she wait for good-byes from them. She had been running on excitement all day and she needed down time. She was happily folding socks as everyone left. Life is simply good.

I am still surprised that she was okay with sharing her party with Grandpa. (She did insist on seeing him on his birthday, which was no big deal. 🙂 ) I am surprised that Rob did that math. I am surprised that she asked for money to go shopping. I am completely in shock that she read every birthday wish she got on my personal Facebook page and our autism one. She carefully took my phone and slowly scrolled through them all. She loved seeing the GIF’s and the little pictures that people added to their comments. That was the first time she has ever shown any interest.

Autism constantly surprises me. Not always in as good of ways as this week, to be sure, but life is certainly never boring. Never, ever give up that your child will learn something new – that he/she will grow and change. You can’t possibly know the future. Keep your faith and enjoy every little surprise that comes your way.

By the way – Casey told me this morning that Grandpa’s birthday is all done… and it’s only 364 days (next year is Leap Year) until her birthday again and she will be 32. 🙂 🙂

2 Replies to “Autism and a Birthday Week”

  1. Well, I’m just now reading about a missed a birthday Hi and Happy Belated Birthday to Casey and her Grandpa. Will she accept that? I hope so. Maybe she will put it away and remember next year that Lyn is a day or two late and always a dollar short.😊🍰🍦🎉🎊

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