Autism and the Different Therapies we Tried

A few weeks ago, I mentioned in one of my posts that Casey and Rob had taken Equine (Horseback) therapy and I had a few questions about how that helped the kids and what else we had tried. Casey and Rob both started with speech therapy early.  I drove Casey to a city about 35 …

Autism Moms and the Need to Just Chill Out

As soon as Mandy sees this post, I can imagine the look on her face – she told me to do just chill out several times today.  I know I need to do that, but you know how hard it is! She called me this morning and asked if I wanted to bring Casey and …

Autism Mom Takes a Break – and That’s OK!

Every year in August, I take a few days and get away from real life.  And every year, I think “why am I doing this?”  It’s such an effort to make plans for the kids and so much worry.  Sometimes, it seems it would be easier to just stay home.  But every autism mom (and …

Thank you, Camp Echoing Hills!

All is right in this autism mom’s world!  About half an hour ago, the kids got home from a week at  Camp Echoing Hills.  I was so excited all morning – just waiting to go pick them up. The camp is so organized that when I got there, I could sign the kids out and load all …